I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends...I opened my mailbox today and what did I see??? Three bags of Haribo gummis waitling patiently for me! Thank you so much're such an amazing friend! Love you!

PS...I have no idea why that bag of cherries is already empty...must have been the mail lady! Hahahaha!

The big day...

Today was my "baby's" first day of 3rd grade. She's growing up so very fast and it's just so bittersweet. She'll always be my "baby bug". I love you C!

(Color is B-A-D on this one! My settings were all set up for the studio and I guess I was emotional and just clicked...she told me I was only allowed one anyway!)

My dear friend...

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful friend in A. Here are a few of my recent favs of her and her babies enjoying the waterfront! I'll also throw one in of C taking a picture of me taking a picture of her! She's so funny!

Welcome Baby R!

Isn't he the sweetest?! He was just shy of a month old when we were finally able to photograph him. He is perfect in every way! Congrats T&K on your beautiful new family!

The H Family

These guys were the perfect family! You could really feel the love between sweet!